Congratulations to Vivien Cochrane who is co-author of the first legal textbook on Legal Professional Privilege


We are proud to announce the publication the first ever legal textbook on legal professional privilege (LPP) by our partner Vivien Cochrane together with Will Hayes of Kingsley Napley.

The book, published by Oxford University Press, will assist all lawyers who practice in the area of criminal law. LPP has been subject to scrutiny and challenge in recent times and the book is well timed in dealing with the issues that have arisen concerning the application of LPP and the interpretation of what is and is not confidential between a lawyer and his client.

Vivien says ” This is the book that Will and I have wanted to be able to consult over the years and we hope that our friends and colleagues across the profession will find it to be a useful resource. It’s important to recognise that privilege issues can arise in any criminal investigation or prosecution, they are not limited to large-scale white-collar or regulatory cases. The chapters which deal with police station advice, preparing for and giving evidence at trial and appeals are intended to assist those of use with a broader general crime practice and complement the chapters which focus on search and seizure, privilege reviews and internal investigations.”

Senior partner Mark Bowen said ” Everyone at Shearman Bowen is very proud of Vivien and that all the time and hard work she dedicated to this project has resulted in a legal textbook of rare quality. The book is essential guide to criminal practitioners and the first of its kind dealing with LPP. I congratulate both Vivien and Will on this fantastic success.”